The Mardi Gras Parade pictures are ONLINE as of yesterday. There are four pages of pictures, and the pages will probably be slow to load, so please be patient. CLICK HERE to begin viewing!! Hope you enjoy them.
BOSTON BUTT SALE - Prepare for Talladega Race weekend entertaining by buying one of our Boston Butts. The Dixie Shrine Club is having a Boston Butt Sale. To order call John Perry at 205-884-6902 or 205-833-9958. Butts are $20 each and include a bottle of bar-b-que sauce. Orders must be in by 12:00 P.M. Friday, April 12 for pick up on Wednesday, April 17 (if you pick them up at the social please bring a cooler).
SPECIAL SOCIAL MEETING - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. for members and their ladies. We have reserved the entire Old Mill Restaurant located on highway 77 south going toward Ashland, Alabama approximately 2 miles past Waldo on the left. It is about 5 to 7 miles past Talladega. Please contact Julius Mitchell at 205-525-5525 or 205-884-2884 to sign up for this event. This should be a fun dinner as this is located next to a covered bridge over Socapatoy creek.
DART TOURNAMENT - Saturday, May 4, 2002 at 11:30 AM at the Roebuck Elks Lodge at 804 Gadsden Highway (Roebuck). Dart machine profits ($10 per person, per event) will be split with DSC and Roebuck Elks. Contact Gene Farley at 205-338-1828 for information. Roebuck Elks lodge contact person is Jim McMillan at 205-833-1305.
RACE WORKERS NEEDED - Dixie Shrine Club needs people to work the Talladega Race on Thursday night April 18, 2002. We will be doing our usual work at gate nine stubbing tickets and checking campers. This event usually results in about $100 for the DSC for everyone who works. Anyone who can work call Julius Mitchell at 205-525-5528 or 205-812-9770 as soon as possible.
YARD SALE - We have scheduled a yard sale for May 23, 24 & 25. To donate your items contact Shirley Shell at 205-338-4704, Caroline Perry at 205-884-6902 or Sarah Kass at 205-884-2884. Anyone who can help with this event contact the above, remember all money raised goes to our building fund.
POTENTATE’S BALL - The DSC will be doing the food or the April 27, 2002 Potentate’s Ball and we need all the workers we can get to help. Please contact Julius Mitchell at 205-525-5528 or 205-812-9770 for information.
ZAMORA PARK WORKERS - The Dixie Shrine Club will be helping with a work day at Zamora Park. Workers are needed to help with this project. Contact Julius Mitchell for information. Remember this is our park and it is only as nice as we make it.
SPRING CEREMONIAL & TASTE OF ZAMORA - Scheduled for Saturday, June 8, 2002. Plan on attending and supporting this ceremonial as it is named the Wesley Smith Class in honor of DSC’s own Wes Smith.
DSC GOLF TOURNAMENT - Scheduled for Friday, June 14, 2002, with tee off at 9:00 AM. We are looking for sponsors and players. This has been a great fun event and results in raising money for our building fund. Please contact Gene Farley at 205-338-1828 for information.
MASTER MASON DEGREE - The Wayne Masonic Lodge of Wayne, Michigan will present the Master Mason Degree at Talladega Lodge 261, F. & A. M. at 1:00 PM on Saturday, June 29, 2002. The Dixie Shrine Club will be preparing the food for this special event. For more information contact Coy Shell at 205-338-4704.
TRUCK TICKET SALES - Sales are going somewhat slow this year. To help increase our sales we need everyone to pitch in and sell these tickets. Confirmed scheduled ticket sales events are at the Talladega Wal Mart on Saturday, June 1 and July 6, 2002. Please arrive at 8:30 AM. Other locations will be set up as the truck is available for us to use. Please contact Coy Shell at 205-338-4704 for information.
STATUE AT ZAMORA - As you may have noticed in the April Zamora News money is being raised to purchase a statue of the "Editorial Without Words" for Zamora Shrine. This statue will be dedicated to the memory of recently departed James McCay longtime director of our Hospital Transportation efforts (The Road Runners). Please consider purchasing a plaque that will show your support of these efforts.
E-MAIL - To reduce costs and speed up delivery of newsletter please send your e-mail address to and I will send future news letters via internet. Currently I have only received about 3 e-mail addresses.
BUILDING REPORT - A water meter is now on the building site. Next will be electrical service. We are awaiting approval from Imperial for our financing. Once that is received and we obtain financing we are ready to go ahead with work.
SICKNESS AND DISTRESS - Please keep the following brothers in your thoughts and prayers, Ralph Bidwell recovering from surgery and follow up treatment, and Wes Smith in his ongoing battle.
IN MEMORY - Our most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to Lady Sue Malone on the loss of our brother Noble Harold Malone and to Nobles Lenard and Dudley Rowell on their loss of wife and mother Lady Linda.